Sunday catchup, and the big news is that Willow has just put up the first few pages of her BD/comic, The Journey Of Earth! The dialogue is in French, but you can get the gist of what’s going on, and the art is just as wonderful as you’d expect! (And she’ll be working shortly on an English translation!) Go look!
More after the cut.
September 1 is going to be a bittersweet day here, since it’ll be the US release date of The Shepherd’s Crown, the last Discworld book. I’m looking forward to reading it, and I suspect it’s going to be quite a farewell. But I’m still sad over all the stories that Sir Terry had left to tell, the ones we’ll never get to read, even as I’m thankful for all that he gave us.
Both the Doubleclicks and the Atomic Robo gang kicked butt with their Kickstarters! Whee! Maybe next time, they can do a crossover…
And while Willow was taking a break from comic creating, she posted a work-in-progess fan art, and now I really really need to rewatch this.