Welcome to Willow Wednesdays! We’re featuring art by Willow, the cover artist for the Monkey Queen series, with her kind permission! Read on after the cut!
Today, we take a look at early work by Willow, as we head down the rabbit hole (click the art to make it bigger):
This was originally done in 2010, and I suspect that Willow might cringe at some aspects of this art five years later. But a lot of her strong points are already in place: Her character design, her sense of humor, an eye for detail, a hint of manic energy. I like the cats and all the little jokes she scatters, and the fact that she was able to take a contemporary look at Alice and Wonderland without replacing the whimsy with the grotesque as many other artists would.
And the amazing thing is that her best work was yet to come.
Art © 2015 by Willow. All rights reserved; used by permission. You can view Willow’s extensive gallery on DeviantArt, see her works in progress by liking her Facebook page, follow her on Twitter, and buy prints and much more at her Society6 webstore, including exclusive Monkey Queen items!