We’re in the last two days of the international part of the Summer Sale! The second and third Monkey Queen books, The Brigadoon Boondoggle and Under The Stars Of Faerie, are now on sale in all non-US Amazon stores! Get both books for £0.99, €0,99, $1.29 CAN, $1.39 AUS, and at low prices at Amazon stores in Brazil, India, Mexico and Japan! This sale ends Monday, August 3, so don’t wait! (Note: All Monkey Queen books are in English only.) Scroll back to the previous post to find buying links, or search your Amazon store for “Monkey Queen” or “Robert Dahlen”! More after the cut. Continue reading
Tag Archives: paperbacks
both the times she blogged, it was the rising of the sun
Don’t forget – US readers can still get the third Monkey Queen book, Under The Stars Of Faerie, for 99 cents at Amazon.com! This is a Kindle Countdown deal, and it ends at 11:59 PM PST on Wednesday, July 29! We’ll have more details this coming week on a special sale for all non-US Amazon stores! More after the cut. Continue reading
Filed under Sunday catchup