Today’s Sunday catchup will be brief, due to a badly-timed power outage. But I do have an announcement, for those who missed it during Friday’s Tea Party: Work is underway on the second Peavley Manor story! It looks like it’ll be another novelette, and the title is… “The Thorn Harbour Road Rally (Or, Macalley Takes The Wheel)”! Look for it sometime in May!
And If you missed Madame Askew’s Tea Party last Friday, you can watch it on Facebook. The delightful, vivacious Madame discussed tea, dances, Scotland, a naughty cat, more tea…and “Book Fair Frenzy”! I cannot thank Madame Askew enough for her time and her kind words. Don’t forget – the good Madame and/or other members of the Temporal Entourage host a Tea Party every Friday night, so do drop by!
More next Sunday as always, Assuming the lights stay on, that is.