Opening the Sunday catchup with a reminder: The second Peavley Manor novelette, “The Thorn Harbour Road Rally (Or, Macalley Takes The Wheel)”, is now available! You can get your copy for free – that’s right, free! – by subscribing to my mailing list! Click here to sign up, and in your final confirmation email, you’ll get a link to download the ebook! You can also get a copy at Amazon, for 99 cents US/UK/AU, €0,99 or £0.99!
After the cut…things move like clockwork!
I’ve been hinting at it on Twitter the last two weeks, but I can confirm it now: Next weekend, I will be attending Clockwork Alchemy! For those of you not familiar with this, Clockwork Alchemy is a convention in San Jose devoted to all things steampunk. There’ll be tea, authors, artists, crafters, teapot racing, music, dancing, many people in splendid getups, and tea dueling.
I’ll be there Saturday and Sunday, with a small chance of attending Monday. I’ll just be there as an attendee, not a guest. It’ll be my first steampunk experience, but I’m looking forward to going! If you’re attending, you can spot me watching panels, shopping for the right pair of goggles in the Artists’ Bazaar, or in the company of the delightful Madame Askew and her friends. Look for the chap who seems to have missed the memo on going all-out steampunk…

Meanwhile, I forgot to remind you here about this past week’s Doubleclicks Live Show (which I’ll cunningly embed below), but here’s something cool you can take part in if you act fast. The Doubleclicks are putting together a new video for their song “Wonder”, to celebrate the release of the new Wonder Woman movie (which is actually getting good reviews), and they’re looking for people to take part! More info here, but act fast – the deadline is midnight Tuesday, May 23!
And finally, Professor Elemental with a message for everyone, steampunk or not…
Do you have any word on Monkey Queen book 7?
Thanks for stopping by! The short answer is, “Hopefully, late this year.” I’ll give the longer answer in Sunday’s blog post.