“Sunday” means “catchup”, at least around these parts, and I’ll start with a reminder: You can follow me on Twitter, where I’m @MonkeyQueenBks . I do a lot of retweeting there, punctuated with the occasional insight, plug or joke. More after the cut! Continue reading
Tag Archives: Netflix
The Crown Of Kylthena: Sunday Update
We’re taking another break from our usual Sunday catchup format (though a few things may slip in) to keep you posted on doings with The Crown Of Kylthena, the new Monkey Queen book! If you missed the news from earlier this week, Michiko and Beth’s new adventure is out now! The post with buying links has been updated with links for Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Indigo / Chapters, Fnac and Angus and Robertson; click here, or search your favorite ebook retailer for “Robert Dahlen”! More after the cut! Continue reading
Filed under Sunday catchup