Tag Archives: Redblade

Redblade: An advance peek!

Happy Anniversary, Michiko and Beth! We’re wrapping up our Anniversary Week, our look back at the first year of the Monkey Queen, but we’re going to look forward today instead. After the cut, you’ll get to be among the first to read an excerpt of the upcoming fifth Monkey Queen book, Redblade! I still can’t give a firm publication date, but I think “Fall 2015” will work for now.

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has done anything to inspire or support the Monkey Queen series so far. It’s a list that would be longer than this excerpt if I typed it all out! I am grateful to all of you, I am overjoyed that I get to share Michiko and Beth’s adventures with you, and I thank you all.

After the cut: The first part of Chapter Three of Redblade! Enjoy! Continue reading

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Post #200

I know there are other things going on, but I like to make anniversary posts something special, so:

There’s a new hero in town, a young woman who calls herself Redblade, with a magic sword and a knack for finding trouble. Michiko, the Monkey Queen, couldn’t be happier…but her partner Beth is feeling envious.

Meanwhile, Beth has made a new friend, Abigail Drake, a fangirl who may be attending Beth’s college…and Michiko is feeling jealous.

But Abby has a secret…she is Redblade.

And that secret, and the sword she carries, may lead to the Monkey Queen’s doom.

Redblade. Monkey Queen Book Five. Fall 2015.

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