We announced it earlier, and it’s under way: The second and third Monkey Queen books, The Brigadoon Boondoggle and Under The Stars Of Faerie, are now on sale in all non-US Amazon stores! Get both books for £0.99, €0,99, $1.29 CAN, $1.39 AUS, and at low prices at Amazon stores in Brazil, India, Mexico and Japan! This sale ends Monday, August 3, so don’t wait! (Note: All Monkey Queen books are in English only.) Find buying links, and Willow’s gorgeous covers, after the cut!
Amazon Canada: Book 2 and Book 3
Amazon Australia: Book 2 and Book 3
Amazon France: Book 2 and Book 3
Amazon Germany: Book 2 and Book 3
Amazon Netherlands: Book 2 and Book 3
Amazon Spain: Book 2 and Book 3
Amazon Italy: Book 2 and Book 3
Amazon Brazil: Book 2 and Book 3
Amazon Mexico: Book 2 and Book 3