We’re in the last two days of the international part of the Summer Sale! The second and third Monkey Queen books, The Brigadoon Boondoggle and Under The Stars Of Faerie, are now on sale in all non-US Amazon stores! Get both books for £0.99, €0,99, $1.29 CAN, $1.39 AUS, and at low prices at Amazon stores in Brazil, India, Mexico and Japan! This sale ends Monday, August 3, so don’t wait! (Note: All Monkey Queen books are in English only.) Scroll back to the previous post to find buying links, or search your Amazon store for “Monkey Queen” or “Robert Dahlen”! More after the cut.
Last week, we mentioned that we were making some changes in the Monkey Queen paperbacks. They’ve been made; all four paperbacks are now printed on white paper. Also, we’ve cut the price on the paperback for Under The Stars Of Faerie to $9.99, and on the Of Introductions And Abductions paperback to $8.99. If you can’t get the Monkey Queen paperbacks where you live, or you’d like a signed (and maybe personalized!) copy, let me know.
So who’s watching the new season of Face Off? I generally avoid reality competition shows like the plague, but a friend recommended this to me and I’m glad she did. I love the visual imagination the contestants show off, and the fact that they aren’t openly sparring and sniping, but rooting for each other and trying to do their best work. (And I’m rooting hard for Missy and Meg so far!) If you don’t have cable, you can watch full episodes on the SyFy (I still hate that name) web site.
And finally, if for some reason you didn’t see it elsewhere, here’s that amazing tribute video by animator Dono to the work of Miyazaki: