Today is the big day. The first four Monkey Queen books are, or will soon be, available on web sites other than Amazon. (Due to having to fulfill a 90-day commitment to Amazon, Redblade will still be exclusive there through March 17.) They’re already available in Kobo’s US store; just search for “Robert Dahlen”, or click here! By Saturday, they should be available in other US stores including Barnes and Noble (for Nook), iTunes and Drive Thru Fiction! I’ll have links up on Sunday. It may take a few more days for the books to be available outside the US, but keep checking, and feel free to share the links here and everywhere else!
If you’ve been reading these books through Kindle Unlimited, I apologize for any issues this causes. I felt it was time to take this step, as the best way to keep the audience for Michiko and Beth’s adventures growing. If you have any concerns about this, leave a comment or contact me privately. Thanks.