Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! Let’s start with another reminder: If you have a Kobo e-reader, or Kobo software on your smartphone or tablet, you’re all set to follow Michiko and Beth’s adventures! US readers can get all five Monkey Queen books through the Kobo site, Canadians can hit Indigo, and you can always search your favorite e-book store for “Monkey Queen” or “Robert Dahlen!” More after the cut.
Am I the only one who’s unimpressed with the design for Elliot in the remake of Pete’s Dragon planned for this summer? At least the original Elliot looked like a dragon. The remake Elliot looks like a fuzzy dinosaur bear thingie. I want my dragons to look like dragons, not like something designed by a director desperate to appeal to a focus group.
We’ll just have to wait until fall for the good movies, I guess. The Doctor Strange trailer looks good; it’s funny that the critics of the trailer talk about it borrowing from The Matrix and Inception, when those filmmakers probably drew a bit of inspiration from Doctor Strange comics to begin with. But the latest Fantastic Beasts trailer…wow. Now I’m getting excited.
But here’s something to get more excited over: If you love penguins as much as I do, you can help scientists track penguin populations in Antarctic colonies from your laptop! Penguin Watch is looking for volunteers to help scan photos and count penguins in colonies. You can go to their website to help, or read this article first for more info.
And finally: I completely forgot to plug this month’s Doubleclicks live online show here. Bad Robert! Bad, naughty Robert! Here’s the video.