Sunday catchup! Sorry I missed last week’s. That’s what happens when you catch a cold ten days before Christmas and have to do your darndest to fight it off in time. I don’t recommend my solution – eating a package of raisin pastry and sleeping as much as I can – to everyone, but it worked for me.
Don’t forget that if you want to show your support for what I do, my Amazon wish list is up and running, and ebooks make great last-second gifts! More after the cut.
I have thoughts on Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and many of them are good ones. The movie is bleak in parts, but it had to be to tell the story it had to tell, and I liked how it implied that there would be light at the end of the tunnel. I didn’t have the issues with Luke that some others seem to; his character development worked for me. I liked Rose. I liked porgs. And am I the only one who noticed that BB-8 was easily the smartest and sharpest character in the movie?
We’re only one sleep away as I write this from “Twice Upon A Time”. I hope it doesn’t descend too much into a nostalgia fest, even though that’s been part of Doctor Who‘s appeal for me. I’m looking forward to seeing Bill again, and watching Twelve’s goodbyes…and the first glimpse at Thirteen. I’ll try to have my reaction next week, along with a quick look at my 2017 musical favorites.
But what’s that? You say that you need more doom in your Christmas? (Is that even possible this year?) Meri Amber has you covered.
If you’d prefer something less doomy in your carols…well, the PDX Broadsides know it’s been a rough year. You and I may need to be someone else’s light this holiday season, and we may need someone to be ours.
And in keeping with the theme of the blog titles this year, I’ll close with this. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!