Starting off Sunday with this news: The new Monkey Queen book, The Crown Of Kylthena, is now available on DriveThruFiction! In case you missed Michiko and Beth’s latest adventure, head over here for a full list of buying links! More after the cut.
Quick update: Work has started on the paperback edition of The Crown Of Kylthena. Hopefully, I’ll have proofs in hand in the next two weeks, and after that, I can announce a release date. Also, sorry for the lack of posts last week; I will try to catch up this week.
Meanwhile, I wanted to thank Meri Amber, who featured me with several other fine people on a post on her blog last week! Check that out, and then poke around her website if you’re not familiar with her music. She’s one of my very favorite geek pop acts, and if you’re wondering why…try this song out.
The Doubleclicks have a new nifty video series called “You Should Write A Song About That,” where they interview someone and then write a song about something the interviewee suggests. This first installment is about Anandibai Joshi, and you’ll find out more by watching the video below.
Here’s a brand new (lyrically, anyway) track from the PDX Broadsides! Recommended, especially for Labyrinth fans.
And finally: Lucia Fasano (reminder: her Radio Silence album is quite good) claims that she put together this Squirrel Girl costume from things she found in her closet. I’ll keep her secret identity quiet if you will. [winks]