Ten wants to remind you that you only have until Sunday the 31st to enter Willow’s giveaway on Facebook! You can win a copy of her graphic novel The Journey Of Earth, or a package of goodies! Click here to enter, and don’t wait…time is running out!
Tag Archives: Willow
Willow Wednesdays Extra: Goodies!
If you didn’t back the crowdfunder for Willow’s first BD/graphic novel, The Journey Of Earth, good news! Willow just announced that she’s now selling some of the goodies she originally offered to her crowdfunder backers, including art cards, bookmarks, and keychain charms! You can see samples (from my goodie bag) below. Head to Facebook to view better photos and see all the keychain charms. To order, message Willow through Facebook or email her at willow (dash) san (at) outlook (dot) com. You can also contact me and I’ll forward your message to Willow. But be warned: I’m keeping my goodies. Mine!
Filed under Willow
I have seen the blogger, he has been here too
Sunday means catchup, and here’s some happy news: Although I can’t set a publication date yet for the sixth Monkey Queen book, The Crown Of Kylthena, I can confirm that Willow will be back to do the cover! (We’re getting it done early to avoid some scheduling conflicts she’ll have later this year.) I’ve already seen her first sketches, and I promise that this cover will knock your socks off! (We recommend putting on socks when it’s time to reveal the cover.) More after the cut. Continue reading
Filed under Sunday catchup
Redblade: The final cover!
Here’s the final cover for the ebook edition of Redblade, the upcoming fifth Monkey Queen book, with Willow’s art and Keri Knutson’s design work! Hold on to your hats – it won’t be long now until the book comes out!
Filed under announcements
you and I, we’ve seen what time’s blogged, haven’t we?
So, have you read “Best Christmas Ever!”, the newly expanded (and more festive!) version of the short story that tells about Michiko and Beth’s first Christmas as roommates? If you haven’t, scroll down to the post right below this! (There’s also a “Behind The Scenes” post below that, with lots of nifty background info). More after the cut! Continue reading
Filed under Sunday catchup
Blognolia Simms
First off, with Christmas starting to loom in the distance like a giant commercialized monster hungering for your attention and money: You might want to check here on the 27th (“Black Friday” to Americans) for the Monkey Queen short story “Best Christmas Ever!”…in its new, slightly revised version, along with a “Behind The Scenes” post! Grab some candy canes and a white chocolate mocha and come back Friday! More (including spoilers) after the cut! Continue reading
Filed under Sunday catchup
do I have to blog this all over again?
We’ll start this Sunday catchup with news that I actually mentioned on Facebook earlier this week: My tentative writing plans are in place for 2016. These include three more Monkey Queen books (not counting Redblade, which will hopefully debut in the next few weeks), and the first three books in a new series. It’ll be fantasy adventure, set in the same multiverse as the Monkey Queen stories. Since I won’t be writing just about Michiko and Beth, I’ve changed the name of my Facebook page to “Robert Dahlen – writer“. If you’re on Facebook, please like my page; I try to update or share there every day, and I’d love to hear from you, here or there!
More, including spoilers and an artistic surprise, after the cut. Continue reading
Filed under Sunday catchup
all these things you blogged, you blogged sincerely
First, I realized that I forgot to include a link to KBoards in my last post, so consider that rectified. I usually hang out in the Writer’s Cafe forum, using the cunningly conceived forum name “Robert Dahlen”, but there are also forums there for discussing Kindles, other e-readers, books and other subjects. Come on by and say hi! More after the cut. Continue reading
Filed under Sunday catchup
Everyone in town blogged Mr. Webster
We’re kicking off this Sunday catchup, and wrapping up our anniversary week, with big news: We’re pleased to announce that Willow, who has done such wonderful covers for the Monkey Queen series, will be returning to do the cover for the upcoming fifth book, Redblade! We still can’t set a publication date yet, but if you were to say “mid-November”, we wouldn’t argue with you. More after the cut!
Speaking of, congratulations to Willow for completing her BD, The Journey Of Earth, and getting it to the printer! She’ll have copies for sale next month! Look for a peek at the cover later this week, and if you want to preorder a copy, contact her through her Facebook or DeviantArt pages! (Remember that the book is only French…but things can change.)
If you missed this week’s posts, you really should go back and read them all. It was fun looking back at the Monkey Queen’s first year. We hope you’ll stick around; the best is yet to come for Michiko and Beth!
Oh, and the anniversary day happened to coincide with a certain day in the author’s life, so he may have been out last night eating a hamburger and ice cream to celebrate it. Please don’t spoil the Doctor Who season opener here. Thanks.
And speaking of thanks… The music starts at about 30 seconds in, and coincidentally, that’s when someone starts chopping onions nearby, because I’m reminded again of how fortunate I am to be able to do this, and how grateful I am to all of you for your support. Thank you again, thank you all.
Filed under Sunday catchup