(Well, maybe not the wine part so much…) Hello! It’s Sunday catchup time! Let’s start with a reminder: All five Monkey Queen books are now available through iTunes! Read Michiko and Beth’s adventures on the iBooks app for your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch! More after the iCut! Er, after the cut. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Meri Amber
Spends his days blogging in a garage by the motorway
We begin this Sunday catchup by letting you know that Redblade, the fifth Monkey Queen book, is now available on Barnes & Noble for your Nook! You can also get it through Kobo, iTunes, and DriveThruFiction!
With that, all five Monkey Queen books are now in wide distribution again. You can get Redblade, and all the other Monkey Queen books, through Amazon or most other ebook retailers; just search the store for “Monkey Queen” or “Robert Dahlen”. More after the cut. Continue reading
Filed under Sunday catchup
will they blog again next week, can my mind really take it?
Sunday catchup time! For those of you who haven’t stopped by this week, a quick reminder: The first four Monkey Queen books are now available again on Kobo, iTunes and DriveThruFiction! (Due to Amazon requirements, Redblade will not be available outside of Amazon until March 17.) For US residents, click the links! Outside of the US, search your favorite e-book retailer for “Robert Dahlen”! More after the cut. Continue reading
Filed under Sunday catchup