Sunday catchup time! For those of you who haven’t stopped by this week, a quick reminder: The first four Monkey Queen books are now available again on Kobo, iTunes and DriveThruFiction! (Due to Amazon requirements, Redblade will not be available outside of Amazon until March 17.) For US residents, click the links! Outside of the US, search your favorite e-book retailer for “Robert Dahlen”! More after the cut. Continue reading
Tag Archives: timey-wimey
Rejected Peanuts Specials
See what won’t be coming to your TV…after the cut. Continue reading
Filed under weekday randomness
a reminder from the Tenth Doctor
Ten wants to remind you that you only have until Sunday the 31st to enter Willow’s giveaway on Facebook! You can win a copy of her graphic novel The Journey Of Earth, or a package of goodies! Click here to enter, and don’t wait…time is running out!
Filed under Willow
I have seen the blogger, he has been here too
Sunday means catchup, and here’s some happy news: Although I can’t set a publication date yet for the sixth Monkey Queen book, The Crown Of Kylthena, I can confirm that Willow will be back to do the cover! (We’re getting it done early to avoid some scheduling conflicts she’ll have later this year.) I’ve already seen her first sketches, and I promise that this cover will knock your socks off! (We recommend putting on socks when it’s time to reveal the cover.) More after the cut. Continue reading
Filed under Sunday catchup
for I’ve never blogged in a cage
We’ll start this Sunday catchup with something you may have missed, since it was posted originally on New Year’s Day: The first information on the sixth Monkey Queen book, The Crown Of Kylthena!
The Crown of Kylthena is a relic from the Lost Lands that is supposed to bring great power to its wearer. Michiko Koyama, the hero known as the Monkey Queen, is sent along with her girlfriend and partner in adventure Beth McGill and their new companion Abby Main-Drake to retrieve the crown, only to find that it’s been stolen. They’ll have to hop from world to world and team up with the enigmatic wizard and thief Alasdair Sterling to get it back…but can he be trusted?
And even if Michiko succeeds, betrayal is in the cards back on Earth, as a new hero is brought in to take the Monkey Queen’s place. The stakes are higher than Michiko knows, and if she loses the struggle…she’ll lose everything.
Even Beth.
More after the cut! Continue reading
Filed under Sunday catchup
so you better get ready, we may be blogging to your town
It’s our last Sunday catchup before the New Year’s! I wanted to take a moment to thank all of Michiko and Beth’s fans, casual or die-hard, those who are just discovering the Monkey Queen and those who have been with us from the start. Thank you! If you’re not busy New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, check back here; there may be a surprise or two for you!
After the cut: We get timey-wimey and Peanutty, and there’ll be some Monkeeing around. Continue reading
Filed under Sunday catchup
If we could make this feeling last forever, what a beautiful place this blog truly would be
Forgive me for starting the Sunday catchup with a blatant plug, but I know a lot of you have been distracted between a certain holiday and a certain movie. So, if you missed it – Redblade, the fifth Monkey Queen book, is out now! This post has all the links to buy it at Amazon stores worldwide (and it’s free to read for Kindle Unlimited members or Amazon Prime members with Kindles)! And this post is where you can preview the first two chapters!
And while I have your attention, the first Monkey Queen book, Of Introductions And Abductions, is still on sale for 99 cents US, and will stay on sale through New Year’s weekend! Grab it now if you haven’t read it, and remember that ebooks make great gifts!
After the cut…we head to a galaxy far, far away. Continue reading
Filed under Sunday catchup
early morning blogs and greens
Late Sunday catchup today, and that’s because I’m starting to take the final steps towards a big announcement later this week! Stay tuned! And don’t forget that the sale is still going on; more after the cut (including spoilers). Continue reading
Filed under Sunday catchup
you and I, we’ve seen what time’s blogged, haven’t we?
So, have you read “Best Christmas Ever!”, the newly expanded (and more festive!) version of the short story that tells about Michiko and Beth’s first Christmas as roommates? If you haven’t, scroll down to the post right below this! (There’s also a “Behind The Scenes” post below that, with lots of nifty background info). More after the cut! Continue reading
Filed under Sunday catchup
Blognolia Simms
First off, with Christmas starting to loom in the distance like a giant commercialized monster hungering for your attention and money: You might want to check here on the 27th (“Black Friday” to Americans) for the Monkey Queen short story “Best Christmas Ever!”…in its new, slightly revised version, along with a “Behind The Scenes” post! Grab some candy canes and a white chocolate mocha and come back Friday! More (including spoilers) after the cut! Continue reading
Filed under Sunday catchup